I was tasked with choosing one of three objects to observe, describe and research. I was supposed to detail this object and its material culture. Material Culture is any object that humans use, whether that be to live, show status, or relationships. Material culture is also how an object was designed, made, and meant to be used.
Of the three objects provided, I chose object number three, these are some examples.
Below are the questions I was given and my corresponding answers.
Write down observations about your object - This can begin with a basic description of the object’s approximate size, color, texture, and materials. Try to describe this item to a person who can’t see the object. Include a picture of the object.
This object seems to be maybe about 18 inches tall or so, it seems to have a wide base with a narrow shaft leading to a wide flat top with a dish-like inset on top that includes notches along the sides. This object is easily adaptable to different styles and looks as shown by the variety in its looks above.
Write down your predictions about its function and purpose, what is the time period, how was it used, what does it say about that time and culture?
I think it's some form of an ashtray for either cigars or cigarettes. This object seems to have originated sometime in the late 1800s to early 1900s and was used to contain the ash from smoking a cigar or cigarettes. Having a piece that was obviously meant for inside with the main function of holding ash shows that smoking indoors was a bigger thing at the time. The quality of the objects also shows that owning one and being able to use one was a symbol of not necessarily extreme wealth but at least some funds to spend on a luxury item for the home. Also, the fact that they are so decorative at a time where women were the ones to decorate the home means the women might have been using it as well as the men.
Lastly, research the object to determine the actual function, name, and history of the object. Write a short biography about the item.
These are actually called Standing Ashtrays meaning they are much taller than I originally thought, they would actually be closer to three feet tall. However, while I was wrong on the size the usage is what I thought it was for it is used to contain ash from cigars while still being a stylish piece in the home. Ashtrays have been around in some form for centuries however it wasn't until the 1900s they increased in popularity as smoking gained popularity.